09 November 2018
In order to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled, UNFPA works in synergy with other partners…
Read story26 October 2018
If the demographic dividend is to be harnessed, then the fundamental civil, political and socioeconomic rights of young people, including young women, must be protected and…
Read story05 October 2018
African ministers in charge of population issues have endorsed the continental report on the implementation of the Addis Ababa Declaration on Population and Development (AADPD)…
Read story13 September 2018
"I was forced to live for 9 years in a brick hole in the backyard of my father's house because I had obstetric fistula," says Charlotte Nibigira, a 17-year-old suffered from…
Read story13 September 2018
"I'm 21 years old and I've been a sex worker for two years. After this awareness I decided to do everything to no longer be a sex worker because I come out with hope for the…
Read story13 September 2018
« J’ai été forcée de vivre pendant 9 ans dans un trou destiné aux briques à l’arrière-cour de la maison de mon père, parce que je souffrais de fistules obstétricales », témoigne…
Read story18 April 2018
"I used to share with my husband that I want us to have several children and quickly. But I decided since today to change my mind in order to preserve my life, "said Claudine…
Read story30 November 2017
Le Jeudi 30 Novembre 2017, le Ministère de l’Intérieur en collaboration avec le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population a organisé un atelier de consultation des Leaders…
Read story25 November 2017
« Ne laisser personne pour compte : Mettre fin à la violence à l’égard des femmes et filles », tel est le thème de la campagne de 16 Jours d’activisme contre les violences faites…
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